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Another thanks and Looking Forwards

As you are probably aware, I lost the Whittlesey South by-election on Thursday by about 150 votes. I am disappointed, but also pretty proud of my campaign. I was the only candidate who put real ideas forward for Whittlesey and Fenland and I hope the Conservatives at Fenland steal some of them because the point I made during the campign that residents of Fenland deserves better remains valid.

Congratulations to Gurninder Singh Gill. He seems a really nice bloke and I wish him every success.

I also want to thank everyone who supported me and voted for me, I am always humbled by elections and even at the end of a defeat, I remain so.

i had a day yesterday of doing media and having a think. I have decided that this blog is going to stay. I will use it a little to comment on National affairs, but mostly to comment on Fenland and Whittlesey.


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