If you are a postal voter and live in Whittlesey South and Whittlesey St Andrews, you may have received your postal votes by now, if not you will get them shortly. You should get them at the same time as the General Election postal votes.
Irrespective of how you vote in the General Election, can I please ask you to consider voting independent for the two by-elections. Not only will this send the message to our Conservative Councillors that the game is up and you know that both Fenland and Whittlesey Town Council are not good enough, it will also elect the two best candidates. Both Peter and I have genuine new ideas for our Town and the surrounding villages; putting us into a position where we can put pressure on others to be more ambitious is the only way we can start to bring them forwards.
Just a final point of thought. Currently, Whittlesey Town Council has nine Conservative Councillors, two of them live in Peterborough and one in March. If you don't believe me - you can check here.
Now I am not saying that they are not eligible to be Town Councillors, sadly the rules mean that they are, but I really want my Town Councillors to be people who are part of the Whittlesey community. It is sad that local Conservatives are more interested in having Councillors who have a Conservative label attached to them than they are making sure the right people are elected; it is something that supports what I have been saying about the need for us to make change happen in the Town. This is why we need you to VOTE INDEPENDENT.